A Thought and Laugh for Today

“No matter what life throws at you on any day there is always a silver lining to be found and a reason to laugh.” LCB

Ever have a week or two of every day throwing problems, upsetting conversations, rain and more rain, being in constant pain and just want to curl up with a favorite beverage while reading a good book or watching a favorite movie or binging on a show series but you have to pull on your big person panties/underwear and work be it outside or inside your home? You know those days when you want to tell the world to just stay away you don’t want to deal with it. Then welcome to my life this week and last week. The only real highlight was celebrating Big Dawgs’ birthday with family on friends this past Sunday otherwise it has been a time of having way too much to do in a 24-hour day. I’d settle for just adding 2 hours a day to catch up mostly on a neglected household or outside chores. For instance, we were basically gifted an almost brand-new rider mower (6 years old but only 15 miles of use on it) that we bought an outdoor shed to keep it and other outside use things in about 3 weeks ago and it is still sitting in the boxes on our front porch because of either no time to set it up or if we can manage to take a day off from both of our jobs we are to worn out or it’s raining. Give me the extra 2-hours a day or 2 days off in a row (LMAO trying to get this) than my house would look great inside and out. Anyone have a spell that works to slow down time? Not permanently just for a couple of hours on days we need the extra time, so we don’t feel like we are constantly in the express lane of life.

But my daily life is what it is, and I will continue to try to get up early enough every day to do all the regular daily posts but there is no guarantee I can do this. Let me give you a snapshot of a typical day for me: Wake up between 5 – 7 AM, play a game for maybe 30 minutes on my phone to help my brain to get going, next take our fur kids out – first turn on computer to get it booted up, come in open programs needed to work plus get kids fresh water and give them their joint medicine while my coffee is brewing, take my morning meds and get showered, dressed , etc. for the day, sit down at the computer for usually 3 to 6 hours also in this time frame our fur kids have to out again, Big Dawg wakes up and I get him his juice and banana along with our kids morning treats, next get everything needed to go with Big Dawg for an average of 5 hours a day to serve paperwork (his GPS and picture quality on his phone suck while mine doesn’t which is why I go with besides he has trouble using the app that has to be used for his job), maybe stop for something to eat than it is home again to feed our kids if we didn’t do it before we leave (some days we have to leave early in the morning while we go out in the afternoon and evening), take some time to unwind and too sore from being in the car to have the energy to stand up and do housework and mostly fall asleep around 11 PM hoping when I do that I will get a full, unbroken night’s sleep (this too is a LMAO moment). Just to get up the next day and do it all over again usually 6 days and sometimes 7 days a week. So, there are days I just don’t have the energy in the morning or sleep in later than I should, and posting doesn’t get done for which I apologize for. I am going to try to get back to posting tomorrow’s daily posts today so, not all of today’s regular posts will be done. We don’t have an automatic dish washer just my hands or able to do laundry at home so it’s finding time to go to a laundromat too. Typing my daily schedule out, I wonder how I manage to get everything done I do get done every day.

But the important thing is we do find something at some point every day to have a good belly laugh even if it is something silly you have done. Laughing at ourselves for silly things we might do is great and better than feeling embarrassed. Like the other day Big Dawg was delivering paperwork to _____ Jr. A man answered the door, identifying himself as this person father and took the paperwork. Big Dawg needs to get a name when handing the papers to someone other than the person they are for. So, Big Dawg asks the man’s father what his first name is knowing the paperwork is for _____ Jr. I had the window down, so I heard the whole exchange and was laughing so hard when he got back into the car that it took me about 2 minutes to calm down enough to get the necessary information into his job’s app. Big Dawg started laughing at his oops all the way back to the car and even harder when he got in it.

Have a tantalizing, terrific Thursday!!

I hope the rest of your day and evening is relaxing, filled with fun and love.

Merry part until we merry meet again!