Missing Birthday Horoscopes Are All Up On Their Respective Dates – Tuesday, February, 27, 2024 Posts and What Killed Our Starbabie


3/30/2012 to 2/21/2024


Work is going slow as I am not having a good day in every part of my being. Star’s body ashes come home today. She has not left either mine or Bid Dawg’s aura since she passed away. I miss our little girl so very much and still trying to process her very sudden dying. So, please continue to bear with me as I post slowly today. I apologize for not getting anything up for the Snow Full Moon. Thank each of you for your support and understanding as we go through this period of mourning and grief. This post is only going up for the WOTC FAmily and Friends as there are no key or tag words attached to it.

All the regular posts for Tuesday, February 27, 2024 are ready to go for tomorrow. I don’t know what my emotional state will be later today and tomorrow because of bring our Starbabie’s ashes home this afternoon. Plus, my fibromyalgia, as those who suffer with it know, has been in a extreme flare since Star’s passing. We were able to resuscitate her twice but when her heart stop again as we were in our car to go to an emergency vet office, we were unable to bring her back. We did not have a necropsy done on her but as she has she had foamy blood pouring from her nose the vet tech and our vet agreed with us that she was bleeding in her lungs from a broken blood vasal and drowned in her own blood. This is not easy for me to type as tears run down my face but so many of you have sent us condolences, I thought I should share with you everything that happened that completely horrible night. She passed about 10:15 PM CST. We have both been having dark dreams about that night as it was very traumatizing for us both. Star’s death came as a complete shock as she was a healthy girl, eating and drinking just hours before she died. I miss my ESA and astral traveling familiar. We both miss our loving, cuddle bug companion. She always had kisses for us and was ready to share her calming, loving personality.

Starbabie may your trip across the Rainbow Bridge come when you want to go but you are always welcome to visit us day or night. Blessing of happiness to you dearest Star.

My coven will be doing a crossing ceremony for her on Saturday, March 30th which would have been her 12-earth birthday and will now be her 1st spirit birthday. If you would like to attend, please email me at ladybeltane@witchesofthecraft.com with the reason why you want to be with us. Thank you.

My most sincere thanks for you letting me feel comfortable enough to share Star’s last couple of hours with you!

Love and hugs,

Lady Carla Beltane