What is the Black Moon Lilith? Black Moon Lilith is also known as the lunar apogee.
Black Moon Lilith, also known as the "Dark Moon" or "Lilith's Point," is a hypothetical point in space that is used in astrology to represent the lunar apogee, or the point in the Moon's orbit that is farthest from Earth. It is said to represent the darker, more primal aspects of the feminine, such as sexuality, passion, and power. Some astrologers believe that the position of Black Moon Lilith in a person's birth chart can indicate the areas of their life where they may struggle with these aspects of themselves, and where they may need to confront and integrate them in order to achieve balance and harmony.
What does the Black Moon Lilith mean in each astrology sign? In astrology, the position of Black Moon Lilith in a person's birth chart can indicate the areas of their life where they may struggle with the darker, more primal aspects of the feminine, such as sexuality, passion, and power. The specific meaning of Black Moon Lilith in each astrology sign can vary depending on the context of the individual chart, but some general interpretations include:
*Aries: Black Moon Lilith in Aries can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to assertiveness and personal power.
Taurus: Black Moon Lilith in Taurus can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to material possessions and physical pleasure.
Gemini: Black Moon Lilith in Gemini can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to communication and self-expression.
Cancer: Black Moon Lilith in Cancer can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to emotional security and nurturing.
Leo: Black Moon Lilith in Leo can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to personal expression and creativity.
Virgo: Black Moon Lilith in Virgo can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to practicality and perfectionism.
Libra: Black Moon Lilith in Libra can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to relationships and balance.
Scorpio: Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to intensity, power, and transformation.
Sagittarius: Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to freedom, philosophy, and travel.
Capricorn: Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to ambition, responsibility, and status.
Aquarius: Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to individuality and rebellion.
Pisces: Black Moon Lilith in Pisces can indicate a need to confront and integrate the darker aspects of the self related to intuition, spirituality, and surrender.*
It's important to note that Black Moon Lilith is a hypothetical point, and not all astrologers use it in chart interpretation.
How do I calculate where the Black Moon Lilith is in my Birth chart? To calculate the position of Black Moon Lilith in your birth chart, you will need your birth date, birth time, and birth location. With that information, you can use an astrology software or website to generate your birth chart.
Once you have your chart, you can look for the position of the Black Moon Lilith. It will be represented by a symbol or glyph, and will be located in a specific house and sign. The position of Black Moon Lilith can also be measured in degrees and minutes of arc, with respect to the ecliptic.
Keep in mind that Black Moon Lilith is a hypothetical point, and not all astrology software or websites will include it in their chart calculations. If you want to include Black Moon Lilith in your chart, you might need to use a specialized software or website that specifically includes it.
It's also important to note that there are multiple ways of calculating the position of Black Moon Lilith, and different astrologers may use different methods and have different interpretations of its meaning. Therefore, it's always best to consult with a professional astrologer if you are looking to gain a deeper understanding of the position of Black Moon Lilith in your birth chart. Generate Birth Chart
Books about the Black Moon Lilith
The Dark Moon Lilith In Astrology Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-Emerging Feminine
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